Big Lou® is the Brand Name used in advertising that was created by TermProvider in 2014. Big Lou is an every person, meaning, that he is just like most of our clients in that he needs Life Insurance or Medicare and has a few health glitches. Many people find it difficult to navigate the Medicare marketplace if they are overweight, have diabetes, take multiple medications or havve other health issues.
Big Lou's® mission is to make the process as simple and understandable as possible. We educate our clients on what goes on behind the scenes during the Medicare process to help them understand what is required and in the end find the best plan possible. .
Big Lou® does things differently than your average Insurance Agent.
We don’t have sales scripts, and we don’t run our clients through a sales process designed to get your money on the first call.
In order to get the right policy at the right price, Big Lou® needs to get to know you a bit and ask some straightforward questions. Big Lou® doesn’t rely on luck when shopping for your insurance coverage, and wants to quote you the right price the first time.
So, when shopping for Life Insurance, do you want the lowest quote from an agent with little understanding of your health profile, or, would you rather deal with a professional who will take some time on the front end to get you the best rate available for your specific health profile?
Give Big Lou® a chance and you won’t be disappointed.